The Benefits of Smelling Farts: Does Sniffing Farts Make You Live Longer?

Smelling Farts

Does your partner ever fart in your presence? If so, you might want to thank them because it can apparently make you live longer. New research suggests that the unpleasant sulfuric smell of human gas may have some hidden benefits.

Researchers at Exeter University in the United Kingdom have discovered that the smell of farts actually has some useful properties that could ward off disease if you smell them. It’s all due to the fact that the gas has been linked with controlling inflammation in the body.

It’s been said that smelling the unpleasant smell could prevent heart attacks, strokes, or even cancer. When cells become stressed by disease, they draw in enzymes to generate minute quantities of hydrogen sulfide.’ said Professor Matt Whiteman of the medical school.

Researcher Dr. Mark Wood agrees that the substance could have substantial health benefits, writing, ‘Although hydrogen sulfide is well known as a pungent, foul-smelling gas in rotten eggs and flatulence, it is naturally produced in the body and could, in fact, be a healthcare hero with significant implications for a variety of diseases.’

Whiteman continued to say that when diseased cells take in hydrogen sulfide, ‘it allows the cells to live. If this doesn’t happen, the cells die and lose the ability to regulate and control inflammation.’

‘We have exploited this natural process by making a compound called AP39, which slowly delivers very small amounts of this gas specifically to the mitochondria.’

‘Our results indicate that if stressed out cells are treated with AP39, mitochondria are protected, and cells stay alive,’ said Whiteman.

Are Odorless Farts Healthy?

We usually associate farts with foul smell, but most farts are actually odorless. Odorless farts are a sign that our digestive system functions healthily. If your farts don’t smell, it is a sign of excess air that has accumulated in your body and is now ready to exit. In fact, only 1% of gasses are sulfurous, while the rest contain odorless gasses.

99% of the gas in our large intestines includes hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane. You supplement these gasses by swallowing air. None of them has any smell, which makes most of our farts odorless.

Why Do I Fart So Much, And It Smells?

Flatulence, also known as farting or passing wind, is a natural process that helps the digestive system release excess gas. In most cases, farts are silent and odorless, but loud and smelly farts can be quite a nuisance.

Foul-smelling gas can sometimes indicate an underlying digestive issue, infection, or disorder. However, it is more commonly associated with the consumption of specific foods or medications. Here are the primary factors that cause loud and smelly farts.

1. High-fiber Diet

It takes more time for your digestive system to process high-fiber foods, which leads to their fermentation. This way, consuming high-fiber foods may result in passing more gas. Furthermore, high-fiber vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, and bok choy have an intense smell, so your farts after eating them will probably smell, too.

2. Food Intolerance

If you experience foul-smelling gas after eating certain foods, you may be sensitive or intolerant to them. For example, people with lactose intolerance and gluten-related disorders like celiac disease have smelly farts because their digestive system struggles to break down these food components. If you suspect that some type of food doesn’t agree with you, consult a doctor and get tested for food intolerances that can make your farts smelly.

lactose intolerance and gluten

3. Medication

The side effects of certain medications may include flatulence. For instance, we use antibiotics to deal with harmful pathogens, but they can also damage the good bacteria in your gut that supports digestion. Without it, you may experience smelly gas, bloating, and constipation. Under these circumstances, you should consult a doctor to change your medication and give you further advice.

4. Constipation

Constipation is the result of built-up stool in your colon. When you struggle to poop regularly, bacteria and odor gradually develop in your digestive system. As a result, your gas may not only be smelly and loud but also painful. The simplest home remedy for foul-smelling gas due to constipation is over-the-counter laxatives. If this issue persists, you may consider talking to a doctor. 

5. Bacterial Digestive Tract Infections

The buildup of some bacteria in your digestive tract and intestines can cause infection. Digestive tract infections often lead to excess amounts of gas with a strong odor. Apart from these symptoms, you may experience diarrhea and abdominal pain. In case of a digestive tract infection, visit your doctor to prescribe suitable medication that would eliminate these unpleasant symptoms.

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